One month down!

It’s already been one month but i cant wait to see what comes next!

It's been a month already! Can you believe it! I am truly grateful for the opportunity to server here is Latvia. God has blessed me with a place to call home and an awesome family of believers to join in ministry! In the past few weeks, God has been slowly revealing His plans for me and His ministry here in Riga. He, so far, has placed on my heart three areas of ministry that I believe I will be focusing on: Creating relationships with people I encounter, Serve in the youth and worship ministries of Vilandes Baptist Church, and help prepare for summer activities such as summer camps, festivals, and other events.


I have been checking out the local music scenes and even playing at a couple of Jam sessions around town. Through these events, I have been able to meet and connect with so many people and share our love for music and the arts. There is not much difficulty starting conversations here because I, clearly, don't look or sound like a native so people are always interested to know why I chose to come all the way here. Sharing my story is one of the main ways i am able open up the conversation about God, religion, missions, travel and so much more. I have made a few new friends though these jam nights and I am praying for the boldness to share the gospel and wisdom to know the best way to do so.


My good friend Tom and I have been dreaming and planning on how to restructure worship at Vilandes Baptist. Thanks to a donation by Spiars Engineering, we will be able to purchase a new sound board and other sound related equipment for the church. These updates will bring a greater quality of worship and allow for versatility in worship styles. We are also looking to raise money to update the speakers, acoustic guitar, and keyboard. The worship team, along with the pastors, are working on leadership development, community and communication within the teams, and also service organization. There are many things in motion and I can not wait to see which direction God will take this body of believers. The future is bright and I pray that we are able to work and move as one church body!


My second week here, I was able to participate in the History Makers youth conference. It was amazing to see around 400 youths come together and worship God. Many of the friend i have made over the years are organizers and are putting on various events around Latvia. It has been a joy working besides them in the background setting up and also participating in these events. I am looking forward to a summer jam packed with camps and other events. The Latvian people come alive in the summer and so will I.

I am so thankful for what God has been doing in me and though me. Life in Latvia has been really good. I have been praying and asking for humility, strength, and wisdom. I have had some difficulty with thoughts of loneliness and not being able to fit in but i am learning that God has sent me here because I am different and that I will always fit in God's Kingdom and that this world is not for me. I have also found a great Gym and started to work on my fitness. I know there will be Challenges that lie ahead but I feel great because I have faith in God and the awesome friendships i have been gifted. I am so excited to be here and to be a part of God's good work. I am also glad that i have many people, like yourselves, who are praying for me and supporting my ministry. Thank you all and may God bless you even more than he has blessed me!


How I got here, and where I’m going.