

Metro is the young adult ministry of Vilandes Baptist Church. My hope, as a member of Metro’s leadership team, is to build relationships that will encourage, equip , and empower young adults to, not only know God, but also know His purpose in their lives.


Camp hope

Camp Hope is a two week summer camp extravaganza! The aim of Camp Hope is to give underprivileged in-crisis children, and teenagers, a fun-filled weekend away from their often dreary daily lives. We want to foster loving and safe environments that allow walls to come down, callus hearts to be soften and even open Gods love and gospel. As a camp councilor, I have the privilege of leading the kids through awesome camp games, worship, sports, breakout sessions, and team building exercises.


Vilandes Worship

My worship team membership will include duties such as: cleaning the floors and pews, Brewing morning coffee, running sound, playing bass, drums, and hopefully even rockin’ a mean tambourine! I love using my talents and gifting in praise of god and it will be a privilege being able to lead others to do the same.